Play Sudoku Online!

Sudoku is a highly complex mental game and behind the location of the numbers there is a great effort that, in turn, represents benefits for the brain. This is what science has proven. It seems to have its origin in the United States, but it became popular after its arrival in Japan.

This game consists of filling in a grid of 9 by 9 cells , which, in turn, is divided into sub-grids of 3 by 3 with figures from 1 to 9. In some boxes there are numbers that are known as dice numbers or clues . Playing it is very easy, although there are sudokus of different difficulties.

Although it is a number-based entertainment , you do not need to be the most gifted in the world in mathematical skills to start practicing it. It is very entertaining and by practicing it you begin to train skills.

Patience is essential because completing a single game can take a long time. However, keep calm, since practice makes perfect, so by rehearsing you will be able to do it faster and faster.

Skills Practiced in Sudoku

By playing sudoku you will get benefits for your brain and you will also train skills that you already have. You can also acquire some new ones. Some of them are perception, memory, logic and coordination.

Studies on the application of mathematics in this type of game indicate that among the skills required are ingenuity, imagination and patience. Therefore, with the practice of Sudoku you will learn to handle stressful situations . For this reason, it is advisable to start with those of low complexity.

Potential Health Benefits of Sudoku

Playing sudoku brings multiple health benefits , especially for the brain. Here we show you how this game has a positive impact.

Stimulates logical thinking

Logical thinking is the ability we have to understand what surrounds us, the relationships or differences between actions, objects or events. We know this thanks to analysis, understanding, abstraction and imagination.

According to some studies , games like sudoku hide curious mathematical problems that stimulate logical thinking and mathematical logical thinking , specifically.

Encourage quick thinking

Once you start completing sudoku puzzles from low to high complexity, you realize that over time and thanks to the analysis and abstraction you put into practice, you can complete them faster and faster . This is what quick thinking refers to , which will be stimulated and will increase.

Improve concentration

Sudoku requires various skills. Among these we find concentration , which is almost an essential requirement to be able to complete the game successfully. You will avoid duplicating numbers or placing them incorrectly.

Its contribution in this sense is such that research has shown that Sudoku is one of the playful-pedagogical activities that are practiced in classrooms with the aim of increasing the attention and concentration of students.

You develop problem-solving skills

When you start playing sudoku at the beginner stage you realize that it can be a bit tedious and frustrating, either because you take time to complete them or because you have not yet developed all your skills. In the process, you learn to more firmly develop your ability to solve problems.

Science has proven , from different points of view, that mathematics and educational games based on numbers contribute to increasing this ability.

Increases the quality of cognitive function

Many factors can affect the quality of cognitive function, especially old age . A study that sampled adults aged 50 to 93 years found that frequently practicing number puzzles such as Sudoku has a close relationship with the quality of cognitive function in this population.

Avoid stress

Stress is considered an overexertion that manifests itself on a physical and emotional level and that can be due to demands of a psychological nature. It affects health in multiple aspects. Studies have indicated that it can alter the processes of plasticity and neurogenesis.

However, board games or mentally demanding games such as sudoku are usually very relaxing. Therefore, if you have a stressful day , take 10 minutes of your time and start a simple sudoku, that way you also clear your mind, activate it and you can go back to work recharged.

Importance of Exercising the Brain

Research has shown that daily learning, as well as playing games like Sudoku, stimulate the brain, improve brain function and prevent cognitive decline. All this translates into well-being.

This well-being, in turn, means greater resistance to forgetfulness and memory impairment . You will be more attentive and your skills will be safe for a long time.

This set of activities, such as sudoku, that you can do to exercise your brain, is known under the concept of brain gymnastics . They are widely used to strengthen the development of skills, such as creativity.

Enjoy the Benefits of Sudoku on the Brain!

You have already seen some of the benefits of sudoku on the brain. Can you imagine the ones you could acquire if you had started completing sudokus from childhood? It's amazing to think about it!

Still, it's not too late. You can start now and implement this game in the upbringing of your children . In addition to improving your brain function, it will improve your quality of life. The benefits that we name you will stay in their life forever, helping them prevent cognitive deterioration.